How to Help Kids Learn and Love the Bible

By Editorial Team


When I was a little girl, I was given the prettiest white Bible that zipped shut. I was able to hold additional treasures within it without fear of something falling in the wrong hands. I absolutely loved it—I didn’t understand it, but I loved it and cherished it. However, one day I was riding my bicycle and somehow it fell and was lost forever—or so I thought. Someone eventually found it and returned it to me, and although it had some wear and tear on it, I loved it even more because it had come back to me. Even after all of these years, I still own that Bible. And while I didn’t grow up in a home of faith, somehow the Word of God held a special place in my heart—no one had told me, but I knew there was something special about it.

Even to a small child, the Word of God can be important.

Why is the Bible Important?

I heard a preacher once say that we don’t follow Jesus because of the Bible, but we follow Him because of His love for us. I had to stop and think about this because it went against everything I had ever thought about when it came to the importance of God’s Word. There was no Bible during the 1st Century Church. They strictly followed the disciples because of the stories they’d heard, or because some were fortunate enough to hear Jesus teach. It wasn’t until decades later that the disciples began writing down what they remembered, or they wrote letters to believers. But today we have God’s Word, available in many formats to help us as we follow Jesus.

How do we teach our kids that the Bible is an important gift; a God-inspired guidebook that we should learn and love?

Teach them how the Bible guides our life and relationship with God:

  • Through examples of God’s love through the many stories both Old and New Testament.
  • With instruction of how to live our lives through the example of others and teachings of Jesus.
  • Beautiful poetry, psalms, and literature that inspires us.

One of the ways to help your kids begin to understand the importance of the Bible is to read it to them on a regular basis. The Minno Laugh and Grow Bible is an excellent read for children – it’s filled with fun illustrations, as well as everyday application of the Word.

RESOURCE: Minno Laugh and Grow Bible for Kids

How to Develop an Understanding of the Bible

Helping your kids learn and love the Bible shouldn’t just happen on Sundays, it should be an everyday occurrence. The more they get exposure to the Bible, the more they will understand it. The more they understand it, the more they will grow to love God’s Word. Here are some everyday ways you can make the Bible a part of your life:

Another way you can help develop an understanding of the Bible is by teaching kids the books of the Bible. When we all begin elementary school, one of the first things teachers do is to start teaching us basics. Numbers 1-10, Letters A-Z. Sounds really basic – right? But without the knowledge and understanding of the numerical system or the alphabet, there is no way a kid will be able to learn mat or reading or spelling. So it is with the Bible: if kids don’t have an understanding of what is in the Bible, they won’t be able to understand how to apply it to their lives. Here are some ways to teach kids the books of the Bible:

  • Repetition – going over and over something helps us memorize it. One way to implore repetition is through song. Find a books of the Bible song and sing it with your kids!
  • Sword Drills – give each child a Bible and call out a scripture. The first one to find the verse in the Bible gets to read the scripture or if you want to keep score, they get a point. By making it fun, kids will be encouraged to learn the books faster.
  • Use the Books of the Bible chart in the Minno Laugh and Grow Bible for Kids.

How the Bible Can Be Part of Our Lives

One of the best ways to help your kids develop literacy about the Bible is to show them how it can be a part of their lives. When you are driving them to school, ask questions about your most recent devotion or scripture. Allow them to think about it, then ask them what that scripture/story means to them. As you begin this process, you probably won’t have too many moments where you are wowed, but you might be surprised. Also, communicating to them throughout the day about how the Bible applies to your life will subtly teach them that it’s meaningful—not just a book you carry to church. You might do this in this type of scenario: You are driving your kids to soccer practice and a car pulls out in front of you. While all you want to do is honk at that other driver, you can let your kids know that you are upset, but you are going to apply the scripture that says to bless those who aren’t nice to you (Romans 12:14). The Bible can be applied in our lives every moment of every day—it just takes a little bit of intentional practice.

Making the Bible Relevant for Kids Today

I’ve heard grown-ups talk about how they just don’t understand the Bible—it doesn’t make any sense to them, so they give up, which is very unfortunate. The Bible uses many forms of writing to get across the messages God wants us to hear. There are psalms, poetry, stories, parables, and maxims to live by. The Bible is rich with wisdom and direction to help us live more fulfilling lives. If you approach the Bible with an attitude that you won’t ever understand it, your kids will feel the same. But if you have an attitude of curiosity and a teachable spirit, your kids will learn that it’s okay to ask questions and explore the Bible, trusting the Holy Spirit to help you understand it. It’s important to help your kids realize that while the Bible is thousands of years old, it can still be applied to our lives today. The Bible is full of examples and instructions to help us live God’s way—as loving, kind, compassionate, generous followers of Jesus.

REMEMBER: The more kids engage with the Bible, the more they will grow to learn it. The more kids understand the Bible, the more they will grow to love God’s Word.


Find out more about the Minno Laugh and Grow Bible for Kids