How to Talk to Your Kids about Charlottesville

By Melanie Rainer

Have you, like many Americans and others around the world, been watching the news this week with an unsettling mix of horror and dread? As neo-Nazis and alt-right activists marched around Charlottesville, VA this week and their images were juxtaposed against counter-protesters, one of whom was violently killed, I felt the weight of what was happening in a new way. I saw my daughter playing out of the corner of my eye, and I wondered how do I talk to her about this? What do I say? How do I show her and tell her that Jesus is the only answer to the brokenness of this world, and that Gospel-centered reconciliation is a necessity?

As Christian parents, we can’t always turn off the news. We can’t pretend racism, violence, or our country’s history don’t exist. Instead, our call is to have hard conversations that don’t hide the truth, that honor God, that point to him as the ultimate authority in heaven and on earth, and that are filled with prayers for our country and for all of God’s people.

As we navigate Charlottesville and other issues to come, I pray the Lord fills our hearts and tongues with the right thoughts, words and actions.

Here is a helpful list of places to start – conversations, books, ideas and more – to talk to your kids about Charlottesville and beyond:

How to Talk to Your Kids about the Violence in Charlottesville from the LA Times

Here is a fantastic list of 9 tips for talking to your kids about Charlottesville and the surrounding issues.

How to Talk to Your Kids about Charlottesville from The New York Times

From the NY Times Book Review, this article shares a list of books that can help start the conversation about racism with your kids.

How to Talk to Kids about Race: Books and Resources that Can Help from Brightly

This article is a mix of tips, resources, and books to help you navigate tricky conversations about race and the history of race in America.

Talking with Children about Racism from Seedbed

I really appreciate the Christian perspective and helpful conversations starters in this article from Seedbed.

How to Talk to Kids about Racism: An Age-By-Age Guide from Today’s Parent

Have kids of different ages? This article outlines the different ways you can talk to kids about racism based on their ages and experience.

How to Talk to Kids about Race and Racism from Rage Against the Minivan

Kristen Howerton is mom who writes about faith, adoption, and a number of other topics on her popular blog. Her perspective on Charlottesville is unique and her suggested resources are really helpful.