6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Christmas Break

By Melanie Norman


Que the Christmas Music! It’s almost time for Christmas break! The kids will be out of school, there will be no rigorous schedule to follow and families can finally spend quality, uninterrupted time together. This year has certainly brought along some challenges for many families, so we want to give you some fun ideas of how to make the most of your Christmas break! 

1. Give the Gift of Giving 

We all know Christmas is a time where parents are bombarded with Christmas lists and some children are even tech-savvy enough to email their parents their Amazon lists! It’s important for children to know that Christmas is not just about what’s given to you, but what you are able to give. 

Given the current climate and the impact of COVID-19, volunteering may look a little different this year. The expectation is to go and give of your time in person, but unfortunately for many places, it’s not possible right now. Samaritan’s Purse is an organization that collects shoeboxes filled with educational and fun toys, school supplies, hygiene items then delivers them to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way. On the website, they list creative ways to pack an Operation Christmas Child shoebox in the comfort of your home as well as a video showing how one family prepared and packaged a shoebox.

Another way to give when you can’t leave your house: World Vision Christmas Gift Catalog – give your kids a budget and let them pick out a goat or a chicken to give to families in need around the world!

It really doesn’t matter what you do but that your kids see your family choosing to give, not just get around the holidays.

Happy Giving! 

2. Make A Family Countdown Calendar 

A countdown calendar is a special way to count the days of Advent in anticipation of Christmas. It is a wonderful resource that provides families with an interactive and engaging way to take a moment each day and focus on Jesus. While there are many colors, shapes and sizes of advent calendars, what could be more special than creating your own with your family! If you’re not feeling crafty, we’ve got a Family Fun Calendar already created with meaningful daily activity suggestions. You can download it for FREE in our store. Don’t worry that we’re already a week or so into December. It’s never too late to start and make it a new family Christmas tradition! 

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3. Go on a Wonder Walk 

One thing that most parents can agree on is that this year has seen a drastic increase in the amount of screen time children are partaking in. Children are exposed to more screens than ever before with the introduction of virtual learning, added to time already spent on television, tablets, and gaming consoles. This Christmas Break, take a break—literally from the screen and spend time outside as a family! Wonder Walks are a great way to start! Pick a time with your family when virtual school is done, or your zoom work meetings are over, and take a family walk. Using Psalm 8:3-6 as a discussion point, talk about the wonder that is God’s creation. Have each family member find something during the walk that God made and when you return from your walk, sit down together and discuss what you saw! Make this a weekly activity for your family. Find a different route for your wonder walk or go to a new park. Make this a time for you and your family to look forward to! 


4. Do an Interactive and Fun Family Devotion 

I know, I know . . . family devotions can sometimes feel like another item on an already long do to list around Christmas. Trying to gather every family member together, coordinate between soccer practices and ballet recitals, it can sometimes feel more taxing than relaxing. But devotions are a wonderful resource to help you dig into the word of God with your family and you can make it a fun and engaging time! Minno’s 5 Minute Family Devotionals are the perfect tool to help you add faith-building moments into your crazy busy life. Check out the Big Questions About Christmas devotional series to connect and learn about the season together!


5. Have a Christmas Cookie Contest 

Too cold outside to take your family on a wonder walk? Bring the fun indoors with a Christmas Cookie Contest! Have each family member choose their favorite cookie recipe and host your own cookie bake-off! If you are worried about an expansive ingredient list and fancy cookware, mashed.com shows you how to make kid-friendly three-ingredient cookies! 

6. Watch a Christmas show on Minno!

We’ve got Christmas specials from VeggieTales, Owlegories, Whirl, and What’s in the Bible? (to name just a few), as well as music from Yancy, Bethel Music Kids, and more! There are over 50 episodes to get you in the Christmas spirit! While you are at it, check out Minno Mantle, a brand new resource to help you relax and connect together as a family. Put on our cracking fireplace background and spark conversation with your kids using the 20+ on-screen prompts.


We hope you enjoy some of these ways to get the most out of your Christmas break! While these are centered around implementing family time, we know it’s important that parents take a little time each day in the word of God. While you are doing all you can to make a memorable Christmas break for your family, make sure you are also doing all you can to make room for Jesus. We’ve provided a list of cool activities, but ultimately God is the one who will come and show up and speak to you about how to nourish your soul so you can pour into your family.