Raising Boys and Girls Podcast: S4, E37 Parenting with Purpose with Kirsten and Ben Watson

Benjamin Watson - Kirsten Watson

Parenting is hard. But we can do it with purpose when we lean into God and His Word. Join Sissy Goff and David Thomas as they visit with Kirsten and Ben Watson to talk about parenting with purpose.

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Sis, Take a Breath: Encouragement for the Woman Who’s Trying to Live and Love Well (but Secretly Just Wants to Take a Nap) - Book

Sis, Take a Breath – Kirsten Watson

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Women want to be the best they can be in all areas in their life. But we can’t do that without God. Kirsten Watson

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There is a certain joy that comes with knowing what to expect and everything having its place. Ben Watson

Time together around the table is sacred so we make it a priority. Kirsten Watson

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Time with the Lord is a priority. Ben’s dad always said the marriage is a triangle with the husband and wife on the bottom and the Lord at the top and the only way you move closer together is if you move closer to the Lord.

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What are some secrets you have to foster good relationships between siblings?

Kids are going to fight sometimes.

We can’t compare our life to someone else’s highlight reel. Kirsten and Ben Watson

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They need to cheer each other on doing their thing.

When there is jealousy or conflict we call it out and work it out. We don’t let it sit and fester.

Conflict happens. We are not afraid of it. We are going to deal with it.

Spend time with each child affirming their interests. 

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What is a vintage value kids struggle with more today than ever before and how can we help them with it?

Being able to talk to adults. To be able to hold a conversation.

Respect for other people, especially adults.

Finishing what you start. Following through, not giving up.

Kids are offered too many off-ramps to their commitments. We need to teach them to finish what they start. Ben Watson

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What was true about life when you were young that is no longer true today?

Being outside. Riding bikes.

Being able to disagree and move on. 

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What was true about sports when you were young that is no longer true today?

Parents feel such pressure for their kids to be hyper involved in sports.

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What is something you loved when you were growing up?

Roller skating

Ice Cream

McDonald’s fries

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What hope would you offer parents today?

Mom, no one can do your job better than you. You have been called and equipped to be where you are. Kirsten Watson

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Be in the Word. Be powered by the Holy Spirit. You are not alone.

Men are pressured to do too much that is extra and not what is most important. Ben Watson

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Sometimes we need a check up for our schedules and commitments.

Guilt riddles potential. It pokes holes all over it. Ben Watson

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Why or Why Not with the Watsons – Podcast


Sis, Take a Breath Book – Kirsten Watson

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