Raising Boys and Girls Podcast: S4, E33 Annie and Dave Barnes Interview

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Raising Boys and Girls: The Art of Understanding Their Differences; Member Book - Sissy Goff

Sissy and David are chatting with singer, songwriter, artist, and podcaster, Dave Barnes and his wife, Annie about the Enneagram, parenting, and community.

If you haven’t yet, listen to the podcast here:

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Connect with Dave Barnes.

What have you learned about yourselves (both as people and as parents) from the Enneagram?

Annie Barnes – Enneagram 8

Dave Barnes – Enneagram 7

We both like movement and looking forward. 

An 8 can be a gift to a child because the child can trust they always tell the truth.

8’s have an incredible ability to take things on.

The Enneagram brings so much self-awareness. 

The Enneagram is a tool that can teach you about yourself and help you interact with your family and the world around you.

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Why would you say it’s important for kids to have voices in their lives other than their parents?

Girls have so many voices telling them who they are or who they need to be but having a safe place for them to hear the truth regularly is a transformative gift. Annie Barnes

Kids need voices in their lives that can speak the truth about who they are and what God says about them. Annie Barnes

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College is about you. Find something that makes it not about you.

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Why did you start your podcast, Dadville, and what you hope parents experience from it?

At first it was about showing dads they can have fun but it’s grown over the years into a space where dads can talk about their kids and share wisdom about being a dad.

Curt Thompson shared on the podcast that there are neurological events happening in our brain when people share truth and encourage us in who we are. 

Speaking encouraging words to each other actually shifts the brain and solidifies truth in our minds. Dave Barnes 

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What is a vintage value kids struggle with today and how can we help them develop it?

Screentime is something we have to figure out now that we didn’t before.

Kids today don’t value the older generation as much.

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We are physically, spiritually, and neurologically made to live in community. Dave Barnes

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We need to move back toward people. We are wired to be with people.

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What is a favorite show or music or movies from when you grew up?

Little House on the Prairie

Anne of Avonlea

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What was true of your life back then that you wish were true now?

There was less pressure on high school kids back then.

I’m not supposed to know everything about everybody. That was not God’s plan. Dave Barnes

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What would you want to say to share hope with parents today?

Find community.

Find voices that you want to speak into your kids’ lives.

It was not a mistake that you and your kids are alive today, at this time.

Stay interested in your kids. Pay attention. When they talk, listen. Dave Barnes

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